周小斌,男,汉族,广西桂林人,副教授,硕士生导师。2019年6月获华侨大学化学工程专业工学博士学位,同年进入亚傅手机网页登录亚傅手机网页登录从事教学科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项、广西自然科学基金项目2项,发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Environ Sci Technol、Appl Energy、Chem Eng J、Sep Purif Technol、Energy、J Environ Sci等期刊发表论文20余篇,授权专利2项。
(1)Xiaobin Zhou*, Xiaoling Li, Jianwen Wei, Yinming Fan, Lei Liao, Hongqiang Wang. Novel nonaqueous liquid−liquid biphasic solvent for energyefficient carbon dioxide capture with low corrosivity. Environmental Science&Technology, 2020, 54: 16138-16146.
(2)Chao Liu, Guohua Jing*, Zongqiang Zhu, Yinming Fan, Shengpeng Mo, Yanan Zhang, Dunqiu Wang, Bihong Lv, Mingming Fu,Xiaobin Zhou*. Inhibiting effect of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol on gelatinous product formation in non-aqueous CO2absorbents: Experimental study and molecular understanding, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 481: 148545.
(3)Xiaobin Zhou, Dan Wang, Chao Liu, Guohua Jing*, Bihong Lv, Dunqiu Wang*. Enhancing CO2capture of an aminoethylethanolamine based non-aqueous absorbent by using tertiary amine as a proton-transfer mediator: From performance to mechanism. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024, 140: 146-156.
(4)Zongqiang Zhu, Hankun Liu, Yonghua Yang,Xiaobin Zhou*, Shen Tang, Lihao Zhang, Yinian Zhu, Yinming Fan*. Remediation characteristics and effects of electrokinetic-citric acid system on karst soil contaminated by arsenic and cadmium. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2024, 33: 103483.
(5)Xiaobin Zhou, Chao Liu, Jie Zhang, Yinming Fan*, Yinian Zhu, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang, Shengpeng Mo, Hongxiang Zhu, Zongqiang Zhu*. Novel 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol-based biphasic solvent for energy-efficient carbon dioxide capture using tetraethylenepentamine as a phase change regulator. Energy, 2023, 270: 126930.
(6)Zhifang Tu, Fei Han, Chao Liu, Yingxue Wang, Jianwen Wei,Xiaobin Zhou*. 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol regulated triethylenetetramine-based nonaqueous absorbents for solid-liquid phase-change CO2capture: Formation of crystalline powder products and mechanism analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 307: 122722.
(7)Yanping Zhang, Yinian Zhu, Yinming Fan*,Zongqiang Zhu, Lei Liao, Shengpeng Mo, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang,Xiaobin Zhou*. Highly active nanostick-assembled TiO2@MnOx hollow-sphere structure for photothermocatalysis of ethyl acetate and NO with free-ammonia at low temperature: Resistence, key reaction steps and mechanisms. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 607: 154887.
(8)Xiaobin Zhou, Yingxue Wang, Huili Liu,Yanan Zhang, Yinming Fan, Shengpeng Mo, Huaxia Li, Junyi Wang, Hua Lin. Novel amino-modified bamboo-derived biochar-supported nano-zero-valent iron (AMBBC-nZVI) composite for efficient Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 119935-119946.
(9)Zongqiang Zhu, Yusong Kong, Hongqu Yang, Yan Tian,Xiaobin Zhou*, Yinian Zhu, Zhanqiang Fang, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang, Yinming Fan*. Effects of Pretreatment and Polarization Shielding on EK-PRB of Fe/Mn/C-LDH for Remediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13: 325.
(10)Zongqiang Zhu, Yonghua Yang, Yinming Fan*, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang, Yinian Zhu,Xiaobin Zhou*. Strontium-doped hydroxyapatite as an efficient adsorbent for Cd(II) removal from wastewater: Performance, kinetics, and mechanism. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2022, 28: 102575.
(11)Xiaobin Zhou, Chao Liu, Yinming Fan*, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang, Shengpeng Mo, Yinian Zhu, Zongqiang Zhu*. Energy-efficient carbon dioxide capture using a novel low-viscous secondary amine-based nonaqueous biphasic solvent: Performance, mechanism, and thermodynamics. Energy, 2022, 255: 124570.
(12)Zongqiang Zhu, Shuai Zhou,Xiaobin Zhou*, Shengpeng Mo, Yinian Zhu, Lihao Zhang, Shen Tang, Zhanqiang Fang, Yinming Fan*. Effective remediation of arsenic-contaminated soils by EK-PRB of Fe/Mn/C-LDH: Performance, characteristics, and mechanism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19: 4389.
(13)Xiaoling Li,XiaobinZhou*, Jianwen Wei, Yinming Fan, Lei Liao, Hongqiang Wang. Reducing the energy penalty and corrosion of carbon dioxide capture using a novel nonaqueous monoethanolamine-based biphasic solvent. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 265: 118481.
(14)Xiaobin Zhou, Guohua Jing*,BihongLv,FanLiu,ZuomingZhou. Low-viscosity and efficient regeneration of CO2capture using a biphasic solvent regulated by 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol. Applied Energy, 2019, 235: 379-390.
(15)Xiaobin Zhou,FanLiu,Bihong Lv,Zuoming Zhou,Guohua Jing*. Evaluation of the novel biphasic solvents for CO2capture: Performance and mechanism. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017, 60: 120-128.
(16)Xiaobin Zhou,Guohua Jing*,FanLiu,Bihong Lv,Zuoming Zhou. Mechanism and kinetics of CO2absorption into an aqueous solution of a triamino-functionalized ionic liquid. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31: 1793-1802.
(17)Xiaobin Zhou, Bihong Lv, Zuoming Zhou, Wenxin Li, Guohua Jing*. Evaluation of highly active nanoscale zero-valent iron coupled with ultrasound for chromium(VI) removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 281: 155-163.
(18)Xiaobin Zhou,Guohua Jing*,Bihong Lv,Zuoming Zhou, Runliang Zhu. Highly efficient removal of chromium(VI) by Fe/Ni bimetallic nanoparticles in an ultrasound-assisted system. Chemosphere, 2016, 160: 332-341.
(19)Bihong Lv,Xiaobin Zhou, Zuoming Zhou, Guohua Jing*. Kinetics and thermodynamics of CO2absorption into a novel DETA-AMP-PMDETA biphasic solvent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7: 13400-13410.
(21)梁怀勇,周小斌*, 姚靖, 潘艳艳, 魏建文.羟乙基乙二胺/二甲基亚砜溶液高效捕集二氧化碳的性能及机理. 环境化学, 2021,40 (6): 1895-1902.
(22)涂智芳, 魏建文,周小斌*.固-液相变二氧化碳吸收剂的研究进展. 洁净煤技术, 2022, 28(9): 122-132.
(1)周小斌, 涂智芳, 朱宗强, 白少元, 樊银明, 张亚楠, 莫胜鹏, 魏建文, 廖雷.一种相变时间节点可控的固-液相变二氧化碳吸收剂及其应用.2023.06.06, 2023106638208
(2)周小斌, 李晓玲, 魏建文, 廖雷, 王洪强, 樊银明.一种用于二氧化碳捕集的非水液-液相变吸收剂及其应用. 2020.09.21, ZL202010993465.7
(3)荆国华,周小斌, 吕碧洪, 周作明. 一种用于捕集二氧化碳的两相胺吸收剂及其应用. 2016.07.12, ZL201610545683.8